How To Make Sourdough Pizza In The Air Fryer

air fryer pizza

Once you get an air fryer there’s no turning back. You rave about it to all your friends and basically you cook all your meals in it. Is it a cult? Well, I hope not! I just find it very convenient, energy efficient and easy to clean. Basically, the exact opposite of a traditional cooker with oven.

I had a brainwave: how about baking a sourdough pizza in the air fryer? Basically I am inviting you to “have a go at sourdough!”

When I was looking at different air fryer models I was first mostly interested in overall volume/capacity: I knew I wanted to bake pizza so it’s better to have a large surface area. This, though, goes against the design of most air fryers: they tend to be rather tall and slim, which means that you can only make small individual pizzas.

Larger models that are wider than they are tall will of course take up more counter top space. In the end I opted for a narrow air fryer, simply because of space issues.

I got a 3 litre manual air fryer, which allows me to have full control of the cooking temperature and the timings. I am not saying I don’t trust digital air fryers and their pre-sets, but it’s just my own personal preference to be able to check the cooking and adjust both temperature and cooking time according to the ingredients.

A 3 litre air fryer is quite small so you can make a starter-size individual pizza.

Serves one but the dough is enough for two pizzas.


1 tablespoon sourdough starter

250 gr plain flour (strong bread flour preferable)

150 gr water

½ teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon olive oil (optional)


2 tablespoons tomato sauce

1 tablespoon olive oil

50 gr cooked ham

30 gr fresh mushrooms, sliced

100 gr mozzarella, cubed or torn into pieces

air fryer pizza

Sourdough Pizza in Air Fryer Method

To make the dough: combine the starter, flour, oil and water. Normally you don’t add oil to sourdough but when you bake pizza in the air fryer it gets extra crispy and the oil prevents it from turning it into a cracker.

Mix by hand or by machine for 5-10 minutes. Rest the dough under a wet kitchen towel, cling film or a pot lid for at least 2 hours.

Add the salt and a splash of water and knead the dough for a couple of minutes. Cover.

Rest the dough at room temperature for 12-24 hours, then in the fridge overnight or for another 12 hours.

The dough is enough for two pizza bases so split it in half and keep one half in the fridge.

Line the air fryer’s crisper tray with greaseproof paper and lightly drizzle the paper with olive oil (about ½ tablespoon). Place the dough on the tray and set the temperature at 200 degrees Celsius and the timer for 7-10 minutes. Check the cooking before the 7-minute mark by opening the drawer: if the dough is browning too much, it’s time to flip it over to the other side.

air fryer pizza

Once you have turned the pizza base over, add the toppings: tomato sauce, ham and mushrooms. Drizzle with the remaining olive oil (about ½ tablespoon).

Don’t add the mozzarella just yet. Bake for 5-10 minutes at 200 C but check before the 5 minute mark to ensure the toppings are not overcooked. Add the shredded mozzarella and bake for 2-3 minutes.

The pizza is ready to serve.

Get the Tower 3 Litre Manual Air Fryer (affiliate).