Guided Talks at The Wallace Collection

London is weird and wonderful. With so much going on, us Londoners are spoilt for choice. When I am plagued by decision anxiety, I always go back to the comfort of The Wallace Collection.

In my dreams The Wallace Collection is my second home (yes, dream on!). The fact that it was Sir Richard Wallace’s residential family home until 1897 can still be felt as you walk through the opulent rooms and galleries.

The works of art displayed at the museum had been collected by Sir Wallace and the first four Marquesses of Hertford during the XVIII and XIX century.

Alongside the permanent exhibition, the Wallace runs temporary exhibitions and displays works of art from the reserve collection.

Lunchtime lectures and exhibition tours are available, free of charge.

Talks at the Wallace Collection credits Paola Bassanese

I would recommend attending at least one of these talks as they allow you to see the exhibits in a different light and you get the opportunity to ask questions.

The Large Drawing Room

My favourite room is the Large Drawing Room with exquisite emerald green panelling and curtains. The whole building is like a jewel box: you open a drawer and more sparkly beauty emerges.

Picture credits: Paola Bassanese

The large drawing room at the Wallace Collection credits Paola Bassanese

Events at The Wallace Collection

There are also special events for adults and children ranging from art and craft classes to life drawing and dance classes.

Entrance to The Wallace Museum is free and the museum is open every day from 10 am to 5 pm.