Blackberry Sponge Cake

It’s blackberry season! Well, depending on when you read this post, that is – with modern supermarkets making every type of fruit and vegetable available throughout the year, nothing beats picking your own blackberries in the height of summer. Wrestle with the bees and the thorns to grab some plump berries oozing fragrant red juice.


50 gr blackberries

2 eggs

125 gr plain flour

1.5 teaspoons baking powder

125 ml vegetable oil

125 gr sugar

1 small pinch of salt


Mix the eggs, sugar and oil to get a thick and glossy mixture. Add the flour, salt, baking powder and mix well; add the blackberries.

Pre-heat the oven at 160 degrees Celsius. Pour the mixture into a cake tin and bake for 25-35 minutes checking that the cake is cooked through using a toothpick, which has to come out clean with no dough sticking to it. Adjust the cooking time depending on your oven and the size of the cake tin.

Recommended Reading: The Walking, Foraging and Cooking Book