Korean Spicy Stir-Fried Pork with Alexanders and Dandelion Garnish

Spicy Korean Pork Energya Ltd

This recipe is inspired by Korean kitchen cook Maangchi, I love her videos. The original recipe is called dwaejigogi-bokkeum. I made some slight changes and used what I had in the kitchen cupboard, and added foraged Alexanders and dandelion for garnish (and crunch).


100 grams minced pork

1 tablespoon vegetable oil

1 tablespoon sugar

½ tablespoon dried chilli flakes

1 tablespoon soy sauce

1 teaspoon corn flour

10 gr grated ginger

1 grated garlic clove

2 spring onions, chopped

20 gr chopped onion

1 fresh mild green chilli, seeds removed, sliced

dandelion and Alexanders, chopped


In a frying pan or work heat the oil and add the chopped onion and the white part of the spring onion, chopped. Cook for 2 minutes and add the pork. Let it brown for 5-7 minutes. In a bowl, mix together the sugar, chilli flakes, soy sauce, corn flour, ginger and garlic, adding a splash of water to loosen it. Add this condiment to the pork together with the spring onions (green part) and the sliced green chilli, and cook for 2 minutes until you get a nice glossy finish. Serve with the chopped Alexanders and dandelion leaves as a side salad.

Serving suggestions: serve with boiled rice and some kimchi.

Recommended Reading: Maangchi’s Real Korean Cooking – Authentic Dishes for the Home Cook