Wild Garlic and Garlic Mustard Hummesto

wild garlic hummus

Following on from my previous recipe for “hummesto” aka hummus-pesto, here’s a variation with garlic mustard and wild garlic.


50 gr peeled almonds

100 gr cooked chickpeas

25 gr wild garlic

25 gr wild garlic mustard (including tender stalks)

1 lemon, juiced

pinch of salt

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 teaspoon water


In a blender, blitz together the almonds, two wild garlic types cut into chunks, lemon juice, chickpeas, olive oil and salt until it becomes a smooth paste.
Serving suggestion: serve with bread and sliced avocado.
If you feel inclined to make your own bread to go with it, have a look at my wild garlic bread recipe.



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