Garlic Mustard and Common Sorrel Kimchi

Wild garlic mustard (Alliaria Petiolata) is considered as an invasive plant that robs other species of nutrients (including mushrooms) so let’s do nature a favour and eat it!


150 gr wild garlic mustard leaves

100 gr common sorrel leaves

1 teaspoon sea salt or Himalayan salt

½ teaspoon sugar

1 tablespoon soy sauce

2 teaspoons dried chilli flakes


In a bowl, mix the washed wild garlic mustard, common sorrel and the salt, squeezing everything together. Cover with cling film, a plate and a weight (for example a can of tomatoes) and leave for at least 1 hour, ideally 2 hours.

Add the chilli, soy sauce and sugar, and keep squeezing the vegetables for at least 5 minutes until everything is well mixed (use rubber gloves to avoid irritating the skin).

Transfer the vegetables into a sterilised jar, cover with cling film and a weight and close the lid tightly. The kimchi should be ready to eat within a week (or 3 days if you are really impatient!).

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