Look For Longer 2: London’s favourite past-time

By Paola Bassanese

look for longer, look for longer tube game, london underground cryptic cluesSo I only jumped on the bandwagon this year – how did I miss Look For Longer 1?

Look for Longer 2 is here and it’s taking Londoners by storm with many sleepless nights being dedicating to solving the cryptic clues in the picture.

I will not spoil the surprise but I will say that I did get a couple of clues from twitter when I got stuck. And I will share with you some of my favourite clues:


  • Man or House
  • Towing a Plaice
  • The Wolf (woof woof!) dressed as a Canary

If you get stuck at the last few clues and need a hint to complete the game, feel free to tweet me