Review: meditation app Headspace by Andy Puddicombe

By Paola Bassanese


Meditation is something that other people do in far away countries – maybe on the top of a mountain, right?

Not anymore. Now you can meditate on the go (even commuting to work if you like, but not whilst driving!).

We wake up and we immediately check our phone for messages, right? OK, so if our phone is our best companion let’s put it to good use. I have. Each morning, I turn on the Get Some Headspace meditation app and for 10 minutes (yes, only 10 minutes) I switch off the negative voice inside my head. The voice that tells me that I am not good enough, that my life sucks and that I am too tired.

Meditation gives you the space to be who you are meant to be in this world. It gives you a sense of mental clarity and attracts more positivity into your life.

The picture here demonstrates this: immediately after doing this morning’s meditation I shared my thoughts online as I felt very calm and ready for a new day.

Try it, it’s free.


Get Some Headspace

Twitter: @get_headspace