Paola attends regular business networking events and has created an impressive list of contacts in different industry sectors.
Paola Bassanese with internationally acclaimed artist Fabio Tedde
With Grazia’s editor Angela Buttolph at the School of Grazia event, 2012Paola at Clare Balding’s book signing at Waterstone’s Canary Wharf, 2012.Paola was a special reporter for Wahanda at the BABTAC beauty awards 2012. Pictured with Wahanda CEO Lopo Champalimaud2012: at the Business of Sport event by GSE management consultancy with Olympic athlete Chris Tomlinson.
At Kirsty’s Freedom launch with Peter Jones from the BBC programme Dragons’ Den and his protege Kirsty Henshaw
Paola Bassanese worked at HM Treasury when Gordon Brown was Chancellor of the ExchequerPaola with Wahada CEO Lopo Champalimaud, Judy Johnson and Jesko von DessauerAt Stella McCartney’s launch event in Selfridges
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