The “F” factor: fertility article for the Huffington Post

By Paola Bassanese

I had the great pleasure of interviewing top experts in the field of health, well-being and fertility and they kindly shared their excellent knowledge.

Because of space constraints I could not add this quote so I hope to do it justice here: it’s from chiropractor Edwina Waddell: “Ensuring that the nervous system that supplies the reproductive organs and controls your bodies hormone regulation,  is crucial for making sure your body is able to do what comes naturally. Nerves from the lower part of the spine (your sacrum) supply all of your conception organs, not to mention supplying the muscles that will keep you strong during pregnancy! Chiropractic is a gentle, effective and safe way to prepare your body for pregnancy.”

To read the full article in the Huffington Post please click on the picture below.

The “F” factor: 10 things you should know about fertility. Article for Huffington Post published 5th February 2013