When service personalisation goes wrong. Dear Starbucks…

By Paola Bassanese

Boala. Poala. Palloa. Powler.
Just a few ways of (mis)spelling my name. Don’t get me wrong, I have made mistakes spelling people’s names in the past and have always apologised to the relevant person.

Alas, this post is not about grammar and spelling. It’s about service personalisation.
Dear Starbucks (but I am also talking to any company who does any level of service personalisation): personalising a paper cup with a customer’s name does not make that customer feel important.

I definitely didn’t feel like a princess when I read “Boala” on my disposable cup. And it’s not because I am a high maintenance queen but because I prefer that you smile at me and give me good coffee. (I prefer Costa Coffee anyway, sorry!)

Any attempt at being clever without the facilities or the technology to deliver a highly-customised service is quite frankly a waste of time.
Making your client feel valued and cared for is about consistency in the quality of service and, most importantly, in listening to the client’s needs.

The paper cup went in the bin. Do you want your service to end up down the drain?

See also: Is business networking just a form of speed dating?

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