Guest blog: The Franklin Method

Rie FranklinGuest blog by Rie Franklin FME, RYT

Good Health and Happiness through the Franklin Method®


The Franklin Method® uses a unique combination of modern science, imagery and basic movement patterns. Currently this method is seen as the cutting edge in fitness and exercise education and is sought by professional athletes, dancers, Pilates and yoga instructors, and occupational and physical therapists around the world.


When the body moves with its natural mechanics there is an immediate release of muscular tension. This tension, chronic stress and joint degeneration are symptoms of repetitive misalignment or poor movement patterns. The Franklin Method® offers the tools to restore the natural mechanical patterns of the body. Recipients are always surprised by the sudden release and instant results after practicing the bone rhythms, muscle imagery and organ rhythms which are the foundations of the Franklin Method®. Each body is as unique as a finger print, and people can incorporate the principles of the Franklin Method® into an individualized understanding of their bodies. With this knowledge, people can perfect their daily movement patterns and exercise techniques alleviating pain and tension – feeling good doing what they love to do!


Swiss born, founder Eric Franklin studied sports science in Switzerland. He then continued his education in dance and the influence of imagery on human thinking in New York. During his training Franklin became confused as to why movement that was joyous and supposedly healthy actually led to injuries. Utilizing his knowledge and traveling the world Eric Franklin stumbled upon a truth drawn from Western and Eastern science; there is a pure connection between mind and body. This connection is called physical embodiment, and it is not dependent upon any one technique or movement form.


Not all techniques or physical training incorporate natural movement. Weaving together aspects of anatomy, evolution, ideokinesis, kinesiology, motor imagery, neuroscience, physiology, etc., the Franklin Method® creates a holistic mind/body experience for the individual. Franklin’s genius lies in offering people the ability to discern for themselves patterns that lead to health and those that do not.

The culminating effect of his work is to empower people to make choices leading to health and happiness.


About Rie Franklin

Rie Franklin FME, RYT500 is a movement specialist who combines elements of both ancient and modern mind/body techniques into her instruction. Currently on Faculty at the University of Richmond offering classes in Human Kinetics and Yoga, she also teaches continuing education workshops for Yoga Instructors, Massage Therapists and Body Work practitioners and is a NCBTMB approved provider. Along the central east coast, Rie offers wellness workshops to a variety of audiences based on the mind/body techniques of the Franklin® Method, Yoga and Tai Chi.

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