By Paola Bassanese

I am a reluctant exerciser. I spent my twenties (and teens) doing no sports and no exercise. I was even given a medical certificate to skip PE classes after I had my scoliosis operation (I have a metal rod attached to my spine).
Not having the same passion for sport/exercise as my colleagues and clients, I have to “force” myself to work out. And let me tell you, “working out” is proper work. I still wonder why clubbing is not considered as proper exercise but that’s another story…
So what am I doing about it?
As I love blogging, the only way I can “bribe” myself into exercising is to find a topic for a blog. Therefore, I have decided to start a blog entitled “7 workouts in 7 days”.
My plan is to try 7 different types of workouts in a week, ranging from Zumba to yoga. I am open to suggestions so if you’d like me to try one of your classes please reply on this link on twitter.
Planning a blog entitled "7 workouts in 7 days", would you like me to try your fitness class and blog about it? Please RT #fitness #blog
— Paola Bassanese (@paolaenergya) June 18, 2012