By Paola Bassanese
As a massage therapist renting space from somebody else’s premises, I am often faced with not having all the right equipment at hand for my massage treatments.
The issue of not having a proper face ring and back support (a bolster that doubles up as leg rest in supine position) was troubling me and my clients. Rolling up towels in different guises leaves marks on the client’s face and do not provide enough back support.
So after having this problem for months on end I have finally ordered the missing pieces of my jigsaw. I am sure my clients will be happy!
Believe it or not, a couple of years ago I HAND CRAFTED a scented face ring myself. Yes, you read that right! I lovingly sewn together pieces of material and filled a U-shape “tube” with oats, chamomile and lavender. My clients ADORED it as it was wonderfully scented and didn’t leave any marks on their face. And guess what? It was STOLEN in the venue I was working in back then.
In the meantime I have changed two venues and I have been using rolled up towels but my most loyal, regular clients still “mourned” the loss of the scented face ring, believe it or not.
As they say, the devil is in the detail… in the case of massage therapy, it’s the small details that count.