New guest blog for Beauty Shortlist on stress management

Paola Bassanese of Energya Ltd and Annie Lawler of Breathing Space Therapies share their stress management top tips for The Beauty Shortlist.

Here’s an excerpt:

Virtual ‘First Aid Kit’

As someone who has tried different stress management techniques and whose work/life balance and boundaries are at times blurred and overlapping, being able to manage stress and avoid panicking is a lifesaver and a vital business tool to ensure I can still be productive during difficult times.

As a massage therapist I talk to clients suffering from anxiety and stress on a regular basis and most agree that the recession has been hitting them in their personal and professional life.

Some have lost their jobs (so I haven’t seen them in a while as they were looking for another position) and some have seen a huge increase in their workload for the same pay.

Being able to manage stress therefore has become an essential life skill but sometimes we don’t have access to experts and specialists when we need them the most mainly because of time and budget constraints.” >> READ FULL ARTICLE